It has an extensive expanses of forest and gardens, an active tea plantation, and plots devoted to cultivation of a variety of Chinese vegetables for the picturesque resort's own use. 酒店里绿树成荫,花园繁茂,还有一间生机勃勃的茶坊和几片种着各式中国蔬菜的菜园,供这家风景如画的度假酒店自给自足。
Although the learned knowledge is extensive, it is not deep. However, your graduate courses concentrate on further academic research and cultivation of strategy and decision making ability. 而贵校的硕士课程则注重于学术上深化研究及战略决策能力的培养,注重实践经验的积累。
However, be extremely open-minded tenacity, extensive knowledge, deep cultivation as a basis. 然豁达需极高的韧性,丰富的知识,深邃的修为作基础。
The reason of Mat rush stalk quantity not high was analyzed, such as the species many, confusion and congestion, extensive cultivation, and the standard of seedling cultivation not high, grass harms etc. 文章对蔺草品种多、乱、杂,耕作粗放,秧苗培育标准不高等,致使草茎的质量不高的问题作了分析。
Thus, attention must be paid to extensive cultivation of high Cd accumulation cultivars of rice in polluted rice soils. grown in a Cu-deficient soil. 因此,在土壤重金属污染地区,必须密切注意高Cd、Cu吸收积累品种的大规模栽培。
The Extensive Teaching and Cultivation of Comprehensive Application Ability 拓展性教学和综合应用能力的培养
Suide County is one of the typical regions of economic poverty and ecological friability in loess plateau of the western China, there are three prominent problems, namely aspiring after short term benefits, extensive cultivation and erosion of water and soil. 绥德是西部黄土高原地区典型的贫困县和生态脆弱县,农业土地利用中的三大突出问题是短期近利、广种薄收和水土流失。
Soil erosion which caused land degradation and low agricultural productivity is getting more and more severe by unreasonable land use pattern and extensive cultivation in the hilly loess region, northwest of Hebei Province. 水土流失是冀西北黄土丘陵区土地退化和农业经济落后的主要原因之一。而不合理的土地利用结构,粗放耕作,广种薄收等因素又使该区土壤侵蚀日益严重。
With an evident characteristic of extensive management, the Mongolian nationality's farming was a kind of agriculture attached to pasturing before free cultivation was permitted at the end of the Qing Dynasty. 清末放垦以前,蒙古族的农业种植业属于一种附属于游牧业的农业,带有明显的粗放经营特色。
Abandoning of cultivated land, the characteristic of which is extremely extensive cultivation, is a brand new phenomenon which occurs in the field of cultivated land utilization in China. 耕地撂荒是发生在我国耕地利用领域的新现象,其特征是极端粗放用地、不利用耕地。
China is a country with the largest planting acreage and total yield of sweet potatoes in the world. However, such problems as poor productive condition, extensive cultivation and low level of productivity still exist. 中国是世界上甘薯栽培面积最大及总产量最高的国家,但仍存在着生产条件较差、栽培管理较为粗放和规模生产水平低下等问题。
The problems in garden application are to introduce into varieties blindly, to plant not as a whole and extensive cultivation. 园林应用存在的主要问题是:引进品种盲目,栽培零星,管理粗放。
Through our research, we think the main driving forces that resulted in the change of land use type were immigration, planting the high yield crops, favored cultivation policy and extensive cultivation, etc. 影响这一变化,或者说导致清代陕南土地利用方式转变的主要驱动力,除了人口的机械增长外,还有高产作物的引入、优惠的招垦政策和粗放的耕作习俗等。
In Huaibei area the unsuitable application of wheat variety, bad climate soil conditions, lower fertility and extensive cultivation were major limiting factors for high wheat yield in large areas. 对近几年淮北小麦生产现状的分析表明,小麦品种使用不当、不良气候、土壤肥力偏低以及栽培粗放是当前淮北小麦大面积生产存在的主要问题。
In addition, the necessity and feasibility of modern biotechnologies applied in crop cultivation were also discussed. Based on the analysis of their application situation and condition, the extensive application prospects of biotechnologies in crop cultivation were presented. 分析了现代生物技术在作物栽培学科发展中的必要性和可行性,通过应用现状和技术条件分析,提出生物技术在作物栽培学科上应用有广阔的发展前景。
The thesis thinks the excessive deterioration of ecological environment was mainly caused by the extensive cultivation of the shed people. 文章认为,清代中期徽州山区生态环境的严重恶化,主要是由外来棚民所从事的简单粗放、掠夺式的营山活动造成的。
The reasons for multiple contributions with one manuscript are analyzed: the psychology of the authors for extensive cultivation and eager for quick success and instant benefit, delay of manuscript handling by editorial department and unclear or without regulation on call for papers. 分析了一稿多投产生的原因:作者广种薄收的心理,作者急功近利的心理,编辑部门对稿件处理不及时,征稿简则规定不明确或无征稿简则等;
The new curriculum reform calls our extensive attention to the cultivation of students 'autonomous learning, which is regarded as an important curriculum goal, an essential teaching method, and a high-level learning approach. 随着新课改对学习方式和教学方式变革的要求,培养学生的自主学习作为一项重要的课程目标、一种重要的教学方法和一种高水平的学习方式,越来越引起大家广泛地关注。
However, due to extensive cultivation practices and overcommit of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the properties and environmental deterioration of soil have being degradated, resulting in yield and quality of Salvia decreasing. 但由于栽培措施粗放和化肥、农药的过量使用,使土壤性质和环境变差,从而导致丹参产量和质量下降。
Its fruit is nutritious, good taste, bright color, delicious, extensive cultivation, high yield, loved by people around the world, its market demand. 由于其果实营养丰富,口感佳,色泽鲜艳,栽培广泛,产量高,深受全世界人民的喜爱,其市场需求量大。
Pear ( Pyrus spp.) has extensive and long history of cultivation in our country. 梨在我国具有广泛而悠久的栽培历史。
Among them, the north of Fujian, the East of Fujian and the South of fujian are the most outstanding, In the Qing Dynasty, the extensive cultivation and sales of Fujian-tea produced far-reaching effect on local economy, environment and society. 清代福建茶叶的广泛种植与销售对当地的经济、环境、社会等产生了深远的影响。
It has many unique characteristics, such as cold resistance, strong disease resistance, anoxia resistance, delicious meat quality, good officinal value, extensive cultivation and good fancy. At the same time, it has the disadvantage of low growth rate and poor laying performance. 藏鸡具有耐寒、抗病、抗缺氧、肉质鲜美、药用价值较高,耐粗放和可观赏性强等优良特性,同时也有生长速度慢、产蛋率低的缺点。
The extensive agricultural development method during that period relyed on expanding cultivation area to cope with the pressure of rapid population growth, which offers the potential to feed more people. 这一阶段所进行的农业开发,基本是粗犷的发展模式,依靠扩大垦殖面积来应对人口快速增长带来的压力。
The extensive cultivation of double-low rapeseed does not only improve the nutritional value of the rapeseed oil, but also bring a promising prospect for the comprehensive utilization of rapeseed protein. 双低油菜的选育成功不仅改善了菜籽油的营养价值,也为菜籽蛋白的综合利用展现了广阔的前景。
During long-term of agriculture development process in Xinjiang, because of the typical environment and weather 、 scarce water resources and extensive cultivation way of agriculture produce, the negative effect is appeared in most of irrigation area. 新疆在长期的农业发展过程中,由于典型的环境气候、水资源短缺和农业生产的粗放管理方式,多数灌区出现了负效应问题。
For a long time the extensive management caused the problem of inferior quality and low yield, therefore, gardening cultivation is imperative. 长期以来管理粗放,造成产量低质量差,为此,开展园艺化栽培提高油茶产量和质量势在必行。
Currently, the domestic telecom operators have entered a new stage of full-service operation, and they gradually transform from the pursuit of the extensive scale into intensive cultivation of clients 'requirements, to provide users with subtle services. 目前,国内的电信运营商都进入了全业务运营的新阶段,逐渐从追求粗放的规模增长,转向挖掘客户需求,为用户提供细分的定制服务。